Sunday, April 12, 2015

And So It Begins

It's happened. Hillary Clinton has announced she is running for president, as have Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. It didn't take long for the posts to start showing up on social media. Since I'm not on Twitter, only Facebook, I only have that to reference. One little post from a friend saying "It's Official", a comment from someone who's excited, and then the snarky remarks began.

I did not see a single post regarding Cruz or Paul, not a single one. Of course there were the shares of news articles, but no-one voicing an opinion. What is it, then, that seems to bring out the worst in some people, when it comes to the Clintons?

I know, I know, there's a lot of ammunition there. I'm not a fan of Hillary, and I do not think she would make a good president. I didn't like her when she was First Lady of Arkansas, or First Lady of the United States. But, that dislike doesn't give me license to disparage her, call her names, or get downright ugly. (Wow, I used a couple of big words there)!

I've already started making a list of the different candidates, mainly because I don't know a lot about them, or some of the ones who may or may not run. But, I've got to be able to compare them to make an informed decision.

I may need to start making a list of "bad" posts about candidates. Things had died down after this last election. There aren't too many about President Obama lately, and Obamacare bashing has pretty much stopped now that it's shown to not be as bad as everyone said it would be. I've enjoyed the quiet. But, I fear it's going to start in again now and I'm not looking forward to that.

So, with the election more than a year away, it's going to be a long summer, fall, winter, spring, summer and early fall. And I'm sure that whoever is elected, it won't take long for those who don't like the outcome to start in with the ugly. That thought is rather depressing! But the only recourse I have is to stop reading the remarks and that's going to be hard to do!