I've always been afraid to comment on a Facebook post if my viewpoint differed from the poster's, or the other commenters. Part of that stems from my general nature, part from posting a comment and getting blasted for it. But, I've started to change that, especially if the posts are unfair, or just plain false. And, as far as being blasted, another commenter on a post last night, totally misinterpreted my comment and went into a long, detailed, totally off into a different direction to prove me wrong. Instead of just scrolling by and remaining silent, I replied, clarified my statement and went on my merry way. As of last check, there had been no rebuttal.
I've also decided that I'm tired of people who seem to have no goal in life but to spread lies and rumors, whether on or offline. I actually feel sorry for these people. They must not have much joy in their lives, or interests to occupy them. Some of these people I've know from high school, including teachers. I know that we each are entitled to our opinion, but that leads to another problem. It seems that if we don't agree with the poster, we don't count. I've seen family members get very angry and unfriend people, just because they had a different opinion. They were also told not to post stuff like that on their page. So, it seems that people only want to hear from like-minded people. Maybe because they are afraid that their view might not be totally true. What has happened to agreeing to disagree?
I'm especially disturbed by people I know to be good Christians, living a Christ like life, unless it comes to politics, social programs, the poor, human rights, and many other conditions. I have seen posts that don't show their Christianity at all. People who don't know them would have a hard time seeing them as Christians, and that might make a difference in whether they wanted to be a Christian if they are not already saved.
So, at least online, I'm going to call people out for untrue posts, especially if they can be verified easily. And who knows, maybe it will spill over into "real" life. I was asked not long ago what I thought about our President. My only comment was that I feared for our country. And I do. I would also feel that way if the other candidate had won. The direction our country is headed has me very concerned. We are going to isolate ourselves from the world and then our country will cease to exist as a world power. We are well on the way to that.
There are so many other issues that need addressing, and I'm just one person. But like the old camp song says, it only takes a spark to get a fire going. If enough scared, timid people like me start speaking up, maybe we can salvage what's left of our country.
So, if you're tired of it too, start speaking your mind, whether it will be popular with others. If nothing else, it will make you feel better, it sure did me!