I haven't written anything here for a long time, mainly because there were too many things that I wanted to write about that I didn't know where to start. But that changed yesterday and today.
Like most people, I'm shocked and saddened by the events in Paris yesterday, along with the bombing of the Russian airplane and the attack in Lebanon. Yet I'm almost as shocked by some of the things I'm seeing on social media in response to these events.
Instead of banning together to offer support and prayers to the people of France, most especially those who were injured and those who lost loved ones, people are already looking to place blame on someone. It seems that they have to blame someone, anyone, other than the actual perpetrators. I've read articles, along with the comments, that place the blame on President Obama. There is also blame placed on all of the recent refugees from Syria. The writers "knew" that they weren't innocent citizens being displaced, they were all terrorists.
All Muslims have been declared terrorists by people who claim to be patriots. I've seen posts on social media by people that I have a lot of respect for calling for the killing of all Muslims, some of them Christian pastors. That hurts me deeply and I can only imagine what Christ thinks of this. Don't they understand that this attitude makes them just as heartless as the terrorists, which makes them win this war. When we become as hateful as they are, we are no better than they are!
I've had these thoughts swirling around for a long time, pretty much since President Obama was elected the first time. The hatred that has been espoused, again from those who call themselves Christians, is mind boggling. I've also been told that I can't be a "true" American patriot if I voted for him. Why? Is it just me? Am I the one with the wrong thinking?
I'm so sick and tired of all of the Obama bashing. It doesn't matter if you like him or not but he is the President of our country and deserves the respect that the office demands of all of us. We don't have to like or respect the person holding the office, but we do, or should, respect the office of the president. That's how I was raised anyway.
So, I'll pray for Paris, and Russia, and Lebanon, and America. I'll pray for those who believe that the only way to get to heaven is to kill all those who don't agree with the way they think. I'll also pray for those who think that their way of thinking is the only acceptable way of thinking. I'll also pray that God gives me the wisdom to discern His plan in all of this, and show me the right thinking that I need to do.
Now that the dam has broken on writing again, maybe there will be more posts of the things on my mind and heart. I'm not sure that there will be many in agreement with me, but maybe it will give something for them to think about. After all we have the right to our opinion without being vilified for it.
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